Free Download Someone Like You English Novel Pdf

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Free Download Someone Like You Novel

It is a contemporary novel that revolves around the lives of five people who are looking for the right path in their lives. The book begins with the story of a girl named Niharika Singh, who considers herself to be ugly until her sister Simran gives her a wonderful makeover. After her transformation, Niharika realized that she was also as beautiful as every other girl whom she used to consider prettier than her. When she goes into a completely new city for her college, she meets three new boys, Tanmay, Karthik, and Akshat. Tanmay eventually becomes her best friend, and Karthik ends up being a mysterious guy in her life whom she likes but always remains confused about. Akshat turns out to be her sister’s ex-boyfriend but they start forming an unusual bond. In the story, there is another girl called Pia, who is Niharika’s roommate and her only friend on the new college campus. Pia is already in a long-distance relationship with Vishal but starts liking Tanmay, who is already in love with her. The storyline beautifully interweaves the lives of all these five characters on their quest to find what’s right for them. While revolving around love stories and each character’s individual lives, the book also sends a message that everyone cannot be trusted without much experience and reason. Even one cannot blame others without knowing all the hidden facts about their behavior. Everyone has black, white, and grey shades in their nature and different shades come out with different experiences and people around them. All these interesting things are described in a beautiful lucid manner, which makes the book quite an engaging read from the very first page to the last.

Format : PDF
Language : English
Pages : 173
Size : 496 KB

Novel Type : Love Story

Author : Durjoy Datta, Nikita Singh

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    1. comixtream says

      Sorry. link was removed by box. I will update very soon.

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